Tuesday 20 July 2010

A temple in the centre of knutsford?

I am a little delayed in posting this, my inner peace was actually restored on Saturday, but in this world nothing ever goes to plan!

Peace was found in a corner of Knutsford in a beautiful shop called Fibre and Clay. Saturday was my day to go and mix with people of my own kind. Hat knitters to be precise. Forgive me, but I was in such a zen-like state that I do not remember all my fellow devotee's names, but you know who you were.

We were all there to pay our homage to our spiritual leader Woolly Wormhead (complete with her new stunning purple worms!) on a hat design course.


Copious amounts of coffee was consumed by all, and in a meditative state we knitted as if our very souls depended on it. Peace was assured, and achieved I do believe, along with a beautiful Bacchus beret (to be paraded around Manchester soon!)

The surroundings were a riot of colour, like jewels in a golden crown. Riana (the shop owner) certainly knows her fibre, and I was exceptionally restrained in not giving her all my cash in exchange for some of her vibrant gems.

I think that I will return, to that sacred place, when I have some free time.

Perhaps enlightenment is achievable after all?

Monday 3 May 2010

The comfortable side of enlightenment...

...I like that....Although there has been little enlightenment here today...

I have been working, which as much as it pays the mortgage and keeps me off the streets, does not allow much time for my current project of bringing something to the EV table, so to speak.

I have a wealth of ideas but am currently lacking the courage to go forth with them. Which seems to be a common theme at the moment. We discussed writers block in the discussion boards for EV of Facebook, but what about when your knitting mojo has run off?

There are shreds of ideas running around my brain at a fair old pace, but they seem to be spending a bit too much time just running but not really looking where they are going...Most of them have just flown out of my right ear during the course of my hectic day.

Although having said that, I have spent a fair amount of the early evening on http://www.ravelry.com/tour/peek today looking at fairisle patterns - if we are going to do anything, it will have to be a riot of colour, uplifting and darn right complicated to knit!

On that happy note, I will leave you. I need to think of a way to get my mojo back! (stash fondling has not worked!)

Sunday 2 May 2010

Existentialism and knitting

Yes, a truly magical combination if ever I heard one... Don't ask me how this came about, it would take an age to explain, but it basically involves an evil twin, a Dr and my knitting... What a mix up!

Mittens have been mentioned as have hats, I am not sure what the existentialist view is on these, but they are thoroughly intertwined in this whole project.

I have to admit that I want to throw a bit of nihilism in - based on my Buddhist leanings - but I am not sure how you can get existential mittens, never mind nihilist ones - surely they don't exist?

Anyhoo if you are intrigued then you need to check out the original and still the best existential vacation blog, or find us on Facebook
